Using patient-level data, we explore the treatment journey for Indication U and analyze the line of therapy used to manage this condition. Gain valuable insights with PharmaScroll.
Understand the patient journey, in terms of therapies opted, post usage of the client’s drug (referred to as Product X) – both in terms of drugs and procedures.
The secondary objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of Product X in helping patients control the symptoms caused by Indication U.
The client is one of the leading pharma giants in the women’s health space. Their drug is indicated to treat heavy bleeding during the menstrual cycle due to an underlying condition (referred to as Indication U).
Our client wanted to understand the patient journey for Indication U using patient-level data and the line of therapy for their drug in the treatment algorithm. More specifically, our client wanted to understand:
- The products used by the patients before switching to the client’s drug.
- The products that patients switch to after using the client’s drug.
- Usage of Product X by Line of Therapy (LoT).
- Surgical procedure opted by the patients post usage of Product X.
PharmaScroll used Symphony claims patient level data comprising of Rx (Prescription data), Dx (Diagnosis data), Sx (Surgical data), and Px (Procedure table). Using Dx, patients diagnosed with Indication U in the last 12 months before their first prescription of the client’s drug were identified and considered for the analysis.
For the identified patient group, Rx, Sx, and Px were analyzed to map out the treatments used by the patients before and after using the client's drug.
Once the patient data were mapped with their Rx, Sx, and Px, along with their start and end date, a unique list of Rx, Sx, and Px was generated and used to bucket the patients into:
- Oral Contraceptives (OC) users
- Non-OC users i.e., Intra Uterine Device, Estrogen / Progesterone patch, etc.
- Patients opting for surgery i.e., Hysterectomy and Uterine Ablation
- Patients undergoing a Procedure i.e., Blood test to measure the amount of fertility hormones such as Estrogen, Progesterone, and FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone), Endocrine hormones such as T3, T4, TSH, CBC panel, calcium, and Radiological procedures such as abdomen and transvaginal ultrasound.
- Miscellaneous comprising the rest of the prescription and procedure.
All the bucketing is done based on the unique list of prescription, surgery, and procedure data of patients diagnosed with Indication U and prescribed the client’s drug. This data was processed through an internal tool to create a line of therapy where regimen creation rules are programmed into the system, and regimen and line of therapy are created for the data.
The above data is processed whereby insights such as patient in each of the buckets, regimen counts, and line of therapy are derived.
Results & Impact
PharmaScroll provided the following as quantitative findings of the analysis to Company A:
- Exception rate, if any, of patients who did not use OC before being put on the client’s drug.
- Proportion of patients who -
- Stopped treatments after using the client’s drug.
- Switched back to OC – majority patient population.
- Opted for surgery like hysterectomy or uterine ablation.
The analysis helped the client understand the journey of the patient post usage of their product, thereby providing insights into the perception of treatment for the indication using the client’s product, and thus educating the HCPs about the benefits of their drug.