PharmaScroll has been supporting clients on KOL identification and monitoring since past few years. PharmaScroll’s TreasureTell database is an easy-to-use KOL platform that captures around 4000 precise, reliable and high-quality key opinion leader profiles across US and other locations with an in-depth coverage on broader therapy areas like Oncology, Cardiovascular diseases, Neurology, Immunology, Dermatology and many more. TreasureTell provides KOLs’ wide-ranging expertise spanning around publications, clinical trial experience, conference presentations, industry payments, advocacy group associations and their media presence. PharmaScroll’s KOL analytics services enable the clients to discover potential KOLs and explore the network maps of these KOLs which helps in effective stakeholder engagement and management across the product portfolio and brand adoption.
Key Opinion Leader Identification

KOL Profiling & Ranking
- Physician’s Full Name
- Qualification & Designation
- Affiliation
- Location
- Research areas of interest
- NPI Id
- Publications
- Clinical Trials
- Conference Presentations
- Industry Payments
- Advocacy Group Associations
- Media Presence

KOL Network Mapping

KOL Monitoring

KOL Online & Offline Presence: Digital Opinion Leaders (DOLs)